People Promise Exemplar Programme

The People Promise sets out in the words of our NHS people what will most improve their working experience and make the NHS the workplace we all want it to be.

To find out more visit the NHS England NHS people promise page: NHS England » The Promise


LPFT is part of cohort 2 of The People Promise Exemplar Programme. This means that with the support of the national and regional retention team at NHS England we will work to deliver the interventions set out in the People Promise together in one place, at the same time in order to achieve improved outcomes and optimum staff satisfaction and retention.

As part of this programme we have appointed a People Promise Manager to support the programme implementation over the next year – Lorraine Gregson 

We have identified some key retention drivers to focus the project on (driver diagram). We will continue to regularly update this page to keep you up to date on the progress of the programme.

The LPFT trust strategy aligns with the People Promise. (Strategy)

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We will work with you to ensure an inclusive culture, where people have the right skills and values to make a positive difference’.

Lorraine would welcome any feedback/suggestions around improving staff experience to:

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We celebrate diversity in all of its forms. People are free from discrimination, violence, aggression bullying and harassment. We recruit equitably from the communities we serve and our recruitment does not disadvantage anyone or give an unfair advantage. We increase volunteering or paid employment for those with lived experience and they will be employed at all levels of our organisation.


We will create a just, inclusive and compassionate culture where people feel they belong and are heard. People will feel heard and see action from their feedback. We all feel safe and confident to speak up. And we take the time to really listen to understand the hopes and fears that lie behind the words.

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We will nurture and develop our people to have the right skills, training, and confidence to deliver all aspects of their role. We will adopt a continuous learning and development culture, where everyone can maximise their potential and feel supported. We have equal access to opportunities and we attract, develop and retain talented people from all backgrounds.

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We will create conditions for our people to stay with us and recommend LPFT as a place to work. People agree we are a flexible, equitable and inclusive employer. We do not have to sacrifice our family, our friends or our interests for work. We have predictable and flexible working patterns – and, if we do need to take time off, we are supported to do so.

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We look after ourselves and each other. We prioritise the health and wellbeing of our people by providing a supportive and rewarding working environment. More of our people will be in the right place, at the right time with the right skills. We have what we need to deliver the best possible care.

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We are one huge, diverse and growing team, united by a desire to provide the very best care. We learn from each other, support each other and take time to celebrate successes. We empower and enable people to take responsibility for the work they deliver.

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We provide a supportive and rewarding working environment, from a simple thank you for our day-to-day work, formal recognition for our dedication, and fair salary for our contribution.