Staff Carer Networks

Staff networks are a fantastic way for staff to be supported and make links with others in similar situations.  They provide opportunities for peer support and can open discussions about how support for that group can be improved in an organisation.  There are different staff networks available for our staff carers to join.

System Digital Network

The Lincolnshire Carer Project Digital Network is available for all staff carers working or volunteering in the health and care system to join. It is a safe space to find information and signposting and for staff to come together and share their experiences. All staff carers are encouraged to join the network if they can.  Because there are no set times for meetings, information and support can be accessed whenever it is needed and can work around your own schedule.

Lincolnshire Carers Project Digital Network | Facebook

Carer Passports 

A Carers Passport is a document filled in jointly by a member of staff (carer) and their line manager. The main aim of this passport is to enhance communication and support for working carers in managing work-life with caring responsibilities. 
All information stored in the Carers Passport is confidential and is care-related, you do not have to disclose detailed information if you do not wish to.
A Carers Passport is essentially a record of (and tool to facilitate) a conversation about the flexibility and support needed to combine work and care. This conversation will typically address details of an employee’s current caring situation and how it affects their work and vice versa.

Useful websites

Support for carers – Lincolnshire County Council

Online, Phone & In Person Support for Unpaid Carers - Lincolnshire | Carers First

UK | Carers UK

Connect to Support Lincolnshire | Lincolnshire

Information videos

We have held online information sessions on a variety of topics important to staff carers:

​mp4 icon Carer's and Line Managers Share Good Practice-20231123_120420-Meeting Recording.mp4

​mp4 icon Adult Social Care Information Session-20231114_120102-Meeting Recording.mp4


Jointly app

Jointly makes caring for someone a little easier, less stressful and a lot more organised by making communication and coordination simpler between those who are sharing the care. Lincolnshire County Council has teamed up with Carers UK to offer carers in our organisation free access to a wide range of online resources to help make caring easier.