Menopause support

The Lincolnshire ICS is working hard to support colleagues experiencing menopause symptoms within the workplace and is committed to being a menopause friendly employer. 

We now have 18 Menopause Advocates and 30 menopause champions trained by Henpicked. These colleagues are available to support staff members across the whole of the Lincolnshire ICS and the Advocates will be delivering ongoing menopause awareness sessions for both colleagues and managers. 

There are many symptoms associated with menopause and perimenopause which can reduce overall wellbeing and make it more difficult to continue with work without the right support in place. However, this year’s theme is cardiovascular disease. A decline in Estrogen levels during menopause can increase cardiovascular risk factors, like high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.

These hormone changes can also contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, the hardening and narrowing of arteries due to the accumulation of plaque, which can increase the risk of heart disease, heart attacks, and stroke. Taking HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) can help with some symptoms of the menopause but may also increase the risk of blood clots. It is important to talk to your GP if you are experiencing menopause symptoms.

Menopause Toolkit 

The Menopause toolkit has been created to raise awareness around the impact of the menopause and improve understanding around:

  • Signs and symptoms.
  • Reasonable adjustments. 
  • Positive menopause conversations between line manager and staff member.
  • The role of the organisation in supporting menopause at work.
  • Sharing the experiences of people living and adjusting to the menopause, peri- menopause and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD).
  • Highlighting the support available to improve your health and wellbeing both at work and at home.

The guidance documents provided within the resource section have been produced by several organisations including, United Lincolnshire Hospital Trust, Women's and Allies Network, Lincolnshire Community Hospital Services and Lincolnshire Partnership Foundation Trust.

The resources provided are for the purpose of supporting your organisation in becoming a Menopause Friendly Workplace. 

Menopause Champions

Menopause Champions have received additional training through Henpicked (Menopause in the Workplace). They are available to support colleagues experiencing menopause symptoms and signpost them to additional help and support. They will also help to raise awareness and understanding across the organisation.

Menopause Advocates

Menopause advocates are individuals that have received additional training through Henpicked (Menopause in the Workplace) and are available to support and signpost help to enable colleagues experiencing menopause to make informed choices. They can also support managers with practical steps and reasonable adjustments to support employees and will deliver workshops and support groups and raise awareness of menopause across the organisation.