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Diane Caldwell (Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner) LPFT

I'm a Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner (PWP) and I support clients by using guided self-help low intensity CBT techniques (LICBT) to improve their anxiety/low mood/phobias and early onset of OCD traits. Out of work I enjoy walking my dog, reading, trying to hide from the children and working in my allotment.

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Joanna Smith (Social Prescriber & Health and Wellbeing Coach) ICB

Email: j.smith148@nhs.net Tel No: 07866057181

I am a social prescriber and health and wellbeing coach for Moulton Medical Practice. I started a local menopause peer support group and it has been running for almost a year now - time flies. It allows ladies to access non-medical support and speak to a wellbeing coach if they so wish - or just have a chat and a cuppa.

Heather Hunt (Patient Experience Advisor) LPFT

Email: heather.hunt4@nhs.net Tel No: 01529222265

I am originally from about 5 miles from Liverpool. I am a military wife and I have also been served in the Royal Naval Reserve Service for 21 years. I have worked in Patient Experience Department for nearly 9 years. I have lived in Scotland and Germany over the last 20 years. I am a qualified Financial Advisor but that was in pre-NHS days. I love walking, crafting, reading, baking, cooking and love going on holiday to Shetland.

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Gail Hewitt LCC

Email: gail.hewitt@lincolnshire.gov.uk

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Tanya Holstead (Social Prescribing Link Worker) ICB

Email: tanya.holstead@nhs.net

Tel No: 01775652114

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Jennie Morris (Physiotherapy Assistant) LCHS

Email: jennie.morris3@nhs.net

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Heidi Mitchell (Treatment Superintendent Radiographer) ULHT

Email: heidi.mitchell@ulh.nhs.uk 

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Joanna Judd (Here4You Access Team Call Handler) LPFT

Email: joanna.judd1@nhs.net

My name is Jo and I’ve worked as a call Handler with the CYP access Team since January 2023. Prior to this I have worked In Education for some 20 years! My last role as an Attendance Welfare Co-ordinator was challenging and made me realise just how many young people are currently struggling with their mental health, needing services such as this. I enjoy talking with people and love working as part of such a caring team, supporting Young people and their families. I am proud to be a menopause champion to be able to be able to help, educate and support my colleagues.

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Karen Innes (PCN Mental Health Care Coordinator) PCN

Email: karen.innes2@nhs.net

I am a Mental Health Care Coordinator for Lincoln Healthcare Partnership PCN which consists of 4 practices in the city centre. Karen has a background of working with the homeless community,

substance misuse, inpatient setting, and community support. She is also a menopause and veterans’ champion.

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Catherine Conway (Admin Support for Specialist Nurse Trainers for Children with Disabilities) ULHT

Email: catherine.conway1@nhs.net

Tel No: 01522 521186

I've worked for the Trust since 2007 as an Admin Support in the Children's Community Nursing Service. I absolutely love supporting my team and the wider Children's Community Nursing teams and I have taken on the roles of Wellbeing and especially the Menopause Champion as I feel like a friendly face and little support could if needed, go a long way.

We all spend so much of our life in the workplace and like everyone else I'd much rather be in my happy place with my family, my cats, or in my garden with flowers, flower arranging. But as I can't do that, supporting my colleagues and our wellbeing at work and taking the time to support any colleagues who need it through the experiences of Menopause, is pretty important to me. I also hope by doing this, I will make it a nicer place to work and spend our time.

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Wendy Pewton (Ward Clerk/Receptionist) ULHT

Email: wendy.pewton@ulh.nhs.uk

Tel No: 01205445526

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Helen Parriss (Lead Physiotherapist) ULHT

Email: helen.parriss@ulh.nhs.uk

My background is as a Pelvic Health Physiotherapist and a Menopause Champion in Norfolk. I am now working as the Site Lead Physiotherapist at Pilgrim Hospital but I wanted to continue to be a Menopause Champion as I have experience of treating patients living with symptoms of menopause and physiotherapy treatment can improve people's lives.

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Santina Welch (Education Mental Health Practitioner) LPFT

Email: s.welch4@nhs.net Tel No: 07710848607

I work for the Mental Health Support Team (MHST) as one of the EMHP’s in Gainsborough. My role includes supporting children and young people to manage their mental health and emotional well-being. This involves one to one support, workshops, groups and working closely with schools. I have a dog called Oscar and enjoy reading books, crafting and learning new things.

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Rachel Stewart (Specialist Speech and Language Therapist) LCHS

Email: rachel.stewart15@nhs.net

Tel No: 07925 500121

I’m Rachel, a Children’s Specialist Speech and Language Therapist. I’ve been a Health and Well-Being Champion for around 5 years and a Mental Health First Aider for 2. I’ve been interested in well-being for a long time and was pleased to step into these roles after joining the NHS. I’m passionate about mental health and ensuring staff are signposted to appropriate services in order to maintain good mental health and resilience. Please do get in touch with myself or anyone in our well-being team if you’d like any information about the services on offer to you.

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Kate Lamb (Administrative Assistant) LPFT

Email: kate.lamb8@nhs.net Tel No: 01529 416251


Paula Brown (Radiotherapy Services Manager) ULHT

Email: paula.brown@ulh.nhs.uk Tel No: 01522 572237


Vicki Howarth (Staff Counsellor) LCC

Email: vicki.howarth@lincolnshire.gov.uk Tel No: 07836357790


Cherri Ihama (Clinical Educator) ULHT

Email: cherri.ihama@ulh.nhs.uk Tel No: 01205446840


Sarah Griffin (Receptionist/Appointment Clerk) ULHT

Email: sarah.griffin30@nhs.net


Debra Barker (Discharge Practitioner) LCHS

Email: debra.barker6@nhs.net Tel No: 01522 512512


Kerry Foster (Organisational Development & Quality Improvement Facilitator) LPFT

Email: kerry.foster12@nhs.net Tel No: 01529416251


Joanne Yeomans (Senior Neighbourhood Care Coordinator) PCN

Email: joanne.yeomans@nhs.net Tel No: 07733 219318


Clare Martin (Staff Nurse, Endoscopy) ULHT

Email: clare.martin@ulh.nhs.uk


Charlotte Rouse  (Employee Support Counsellor) LCC

Lincolnshire County Council

Tel:  07919555611 charlotte.rouse@lincolnshire.gov.uk