We are working hard to ensure the support that is available for our staff carers is the same wherever they work in the health and care system. Through co-production we’ve created a staff carer passport which is now available for all staff to get information about.

A Carers Passport is a document filled in jointly by a member of staff (carer) and their line manager. The main purpose of this passport is to enhance communication and support for working carers in managing work-life with caring responsibilities. 
All information stored in the Carers Passport is confidential and is care-related, you do not have to disclose detailed information if you do not wish to. A Carers Passport is essentially a record of (and tool to facilitate) a conversation about the flexibility and support needed to combine work and care. This conversation will typically address details of an employee’s current caring situation and how it affects their work and vice versa.

You can download a copy of the Lincolnshire System Staff Carer Passport here System carer passport